You might have heard us say the phrase ‘your face stops at your boobs’ before. And by ‘might’, we mean you definitely have and by ‘say’, we mean yell.
This little pearl of wisdom was born out of our founder Zoë’s days as a beauty editor—and the very crucial discovery that the skin on your neck-n-dec (neck and décolletage) is just as vulnerable as the skin on that (very very) cute face of yours.
“Your face stops at your boobs. Not at your chin or jawline or where your neck meets your décolletage. At your boobs,” explains Zoë in her beauty bible, Amazinger Face.
“Consider how many items in that fancy wardrobe of yours expose your chest: singlets, t-shirts, fun vintage frocks, cardigans, snazzy Going Out Tops—even your boring black long-sleeved top, the one you wear to get groceries,. Which is precisely why you must treat the delicate skin on the neck, collarbones and chest as you would your face.”
The ‘face to boobs’ mantra has since become our short, sweet and unforgettable reminder of where and how to apply your skincare.
In the case that you’ve heard the phrase time and time again and secretly been thinking ‘but why?'—we’ve got you.
What does ‘your face stops at your boobs’ actually mean?
If using your much-loved skincare products on your neck and chest sounds like a travesty, hear us out.
The skin of your neck-n-dec is just as thin, just as prone to wrinkles and creases, and just as ripe for sun damage. Actually, necks usually age even faster than your face. There’s a reason the patron saint of romcoms (Nora Ephron) titled her book of essays on ageing, I Feel Bad About My Neck.
This area has less sebaceous glands than your face (the glands that are responsible for producing oil). And the neck-n-deck’s lesser oil production means the area is more likely to be dry and needs an extra boost in hydration.
Since you’re already putting in the work to take care of your face, it makes sense to give the same TLC to the same fragile skin on your neck and chest.
Should I do my whole skincare routine on my neck and chest?
Yep, exactly! Straight to the top of the class.
The cardinal skin rule is to take all of your face products right down to your boobs. The only exception is specific treatment products that target concerns that the two areas might not share. For example, serums designed to target breakouts might be a bit too much for your chest but great for your chin.
So a neck-n-dec-friendly skincare routine would:
Use a gentle cleanser over your neck-n-dec to get rid of any grime, dirt, bronzer, SPF etc. and keep the area fresh and congestion-free.
Stay hydrated with face oils and moisturisers to make sure this dehydration-prone area stays soft, smooth, and glowing.
Slip, slop, and slap on that SPF. Just like everywhere else on your body, SPF on your neck and chest is an absolute non-negotiable to keeping your skin protected from UV damage.
Still unconvinced? Think of the (minuscule) extra time it takes to bring your skincare down to your boobs as your obligatory daily moment to remember Nora Ephron and all she gave us.